How To Bleed Designer Radiators: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Trapped air is one of the most common causes of inefficient heating and higher energy bills associated with home radiators. Over time, air bubbles accumulate inside the radiator piping network and prevent hot water from heating up the entire unit. The solution is to periodically bleed or release built-up air trapped inside – restoring even heat distribution and heating capacity.

While straightforward in concept, correctly bleeding all types of radiators does require some basic knowledge. We’ve put together this comprehensive, visual step-by-step guide to teach everything you need to know about bleeding designer radiators.

What Causes Air Build Up Inside Radiators?

Before getting into the step-by-step process, it helps to understand precisely how air infiltrates the sealed piping system and collects inside the unit in the first place. There are primarily three main origins of these problematic bubbles:

1. External Leaks or Faulty Parts

  • Small leaks in the central heating pipes, radiator bleeder valves or compression fittings located behind the scenes allow air to slowly seep into the water-filled internal network over months of operation.
  • Faulty heating components like a dying pump motor can release air pockets into the system. This tends to happen more with older heating systems.

2. Internal Corrosion By products

  • Years of water circulating inside metal central heating pipes and radiators can lead to gradual internal corrosion. Chemical reactions between metal and water release hydrogen gas that manifests as bubbles.

3. Routine Maintenance Side Effects

  • The radiator bleeding process or annual power flushing of heating systems themselves introduce small air bubbles that get trapped within components.

Tiny air bubbles from each of these sources gradually accumulate in high points of the piping system due to natural buoyancy. Being less dense than water, they float upwards over time. The highest elevated part is usually the radiator header tanks and upper pipes inside the unit. Enough trapped air starts to interfere with hot water circulation, preventing the tops of radiators from getting fully hot.

When to Bleed Radiators?

Watch out for the following signs indicating air build up and a need to bleed:

  • Colder sections towards the top portion of the radiator panel
  • Reduced overall heating capacity
  • Metallic bubbling or knocking noises
  • Higher than usual energy bills

For optimal efficiency, radiators should be bled 1-2 times per year as part of seasonal maintenance before the heating season commences. Bleeding during warmer months lets you identify and fix any underlying leaks allowing air ingress once heating demand reduces. You can also bleed right away if you notice cold spots mid-winter.

What You’ll Need

Bleeding designer radiators is a straightforward DIY task. Ensure you have the following tools:

  • Bleed key – A small square or hex key designed to fit and turn most common radiator bleed nipple valve sizes
  • Towel/container – Place below the nipple valve to catch drips during the process
  • Flashlight – Helpful for identifying hard-to-see bleed valves and leaks

Optional items:

  • Water vacuum tool – Makes mopping up small spills easier
  • Replacement bleed nipples – Handy for fast valve replacements if leaks occur

How To Bleed Designer Radiators Step-By-Step

Follow these steps to safely and correctly bleed accumulated air out of designer radiators:

Step 1: Turn On Central Heating

Start the bleed process with all radiators activated and the boiler fired up circulating hot water. This allows easy identification of problem cold spots.

Turn the room thermostat up temporarily to enable continuous heating during the process.

Step 2: Locate The Bleed Nipple

Designer radiators feature one or more small bleed nipples usually along the upper header pipe. Consult manufacturer guides to identify the nipple location if unclear. They resemble a bolt head with a small opening to insert the bleed key.

Newer models may conceal the nipple valve behind snap-on plastic magnetic covers. Check product manuals for cover removal instructions.

Step 3: Place Absorbent Cloth Under Nipple

Have an old towel or piece of cloth ready under the bleed nipple to catch escaping water drips once the valve opens. A shallow pan, bucket or Ziplock bag also does the job nicely.

Step 4: Insert Key & Partially Open Nipple

Insert the appropriately sized bleed key into the nipple valve opening. Gently turn it counter-clockwise to loosen and crack open the valve.

Don’t open it fully yet! Doing so too quickly lets high pressure water gush out. Partially opening builds up gradual pressure release.

Step 5: Listen For Air Hissing Sound

Keep an ear close to the valve opening and listen for a distinct hissing sound. This indicates trapped air escaping from inside the radiator.

Let the valve remain partially open as air continues exiting. Have your absorbent cloth ready below to catch drips.

If no hissing noise occurs, air build up may not be causing heating issues. Try bleeding other radiators instead.

Step 6: Allow Water Drips To Escape

Once the hissing sound stops, gently open the bleed nipple further. This lets a controlled amount of water escape carrying more bubbles out along with it.

Keep at it until you see a steady stream of water without sputters and spurts.

Step 7: Close Nipple Tightly

When only water drips out, air removal is complete. Use the bleed key to tightly close the nipple in a clockwise direction again. Avoid over tightening.

Check under radiators and around floor valve areas for any leaks post bleed. Dry surfaces completely.

Step 8: Repeat Process For Other Radiators

Feel along the panels of all radiators to find any others with cold upper sections, especially the farthest units from the boiler. Bleed additional radiators exhibiting symptoms using the same method.

Step 9: Check Heating Operation

Give the heating system some time to stabilize after bleeding a batch of radiators. Verify that previously cold-to-touch upper radiator sections now heat up as intended.

Monitor over the next days to ensure heat consistency. Repeat bleeding if temperature differences reappear.

And that’s all there is to it! Practicing on one radiator helps perfect the essential bleed process skill. Over time and several cycles, you’ll know exactly how to spot and fix trapped air issues hampering home heating performance.

Common Radiator Bleeding Mistakes To Avoid

  • Opening valves too quickly and causing water gushing instead of gradual air hissing
  • Forgetting to place an absorbent cloth to catch drips
  • Failing to firmly close/tighten nipple post bleeding leading to leaks
  • Using pliers instead of proper sized bleed keys and damaging valves
  • Not checking for underlying leaks causing continual air ingress

One of the simplest things that can cause you to lose heat in your radiators, and cost you more money, is trapped air in the heating system. Bleeding your radiator is the solution, but just how do you go about doing that?

Hit the jump to find out!


Air can enter your heating system a number of ways, but the most common ways are down to faulty parts on the system (like a failing pump for example), or corrosion in the system causing hydrogen to be released via chemical reaction.

Bleeding Radiator

Bleeding Radiator

When these gases are released into the system they naturally travel to the highest part of it they can (like air trapped in a bottle), and settle there, taking up space which could otherwise be filled with hot water, causing your radiator to be cool near the top.


You will need;

  • An old towel, cloth or some kitchen roll to catch any water which comes out
  • A bleed key; we recommend purchasing a multi-purpose 4-way key which features square, triangle and other shaped keys for a variety of utility cupboards and bleed valves
  1. First, turn on your heating and make sure all of your radiators are on. Then go radiator by radiator to determine exactly which ones require bleeding by feeling towards the top of the radiators for cold spots
  2. Once you know which ones have trapped air, locate the bleed valve. At the top of your radiator on one end you will find a bleed valve with a smaller inner piece to turn and open to release the trapped air
  3. Using your bleed key, position your cloth gently around the valve and slowly open it. You will hear a hissing and the sound of air being released. By gradually releasing the air you will be more prepared for once the air is all gone and water tries to escape.
  4. Once water starts spilling into your chosen cloth/towel, close of the bleed valve until firmly shut

All done! Move on to the next radiators (if there are any) and repeat the process until finishes.


Like so many home maintenance tasks, the effort invested to bleed radiators periodically really pays off through years of subsequently improved comfort and efficiency. Plus it’s one of the easier DIY skills to pick up.

We hope following this visual, step-by-step guide to bleeding designer radiators imparts the confidence and knowledge needed to handle this essential activity seamlessly on your own. Here’s to radiators that heat fully and home heating bills kept firmly in check this winter!

When you are thinking of changing your older, plain radiator to a designer radiators you want to find the most attractive solution possible, at the best price, and with the assurance that they will last the years and decades until you next feel the urge to replace them.

What doesn’t normally come to mind is your system’s health during that time, and why it is important to consider the well-being of your central heating.


Most manufacturers have a stipulation in their terms and conditions for their guarantee that you should cleanse your system once every 12 months to maintain the guarantee, but it’s not uncommon for people to leave their systems until there is a problem. But provided that your radiators are good quality models from the Designer Radiator Showroom, there shouldn’t be any problems, right? Wrong.

Over time your system can accumulate debris, scale, rust and sludge, all of which traverse your heating and finally settle wherever they can, commonly in the bottom of your radiators, but also in your pipework, and even in the boiler and its pump. Amongst other problems, this means that instead of hot water in your radiators, some of it is replaced with cold sludge, making it more expensive to heat your home and for a poorer result.

Just take a look at the footage we took with our thermal imaging camera of one of our customer’s radiators!

As you can see the temperature at the top of the radiator is pretty normal, but at the bottom the radiator it might as well be turned off!


Through the miracle of modern technology we can show you just what can collect inside your designer radiators if you don’t take good care of your system. Here is one of our expert heating engineers after removing just some of the sludge from the radiator in the first video with an electro-magnetic rod:

If that doesn’t convince you to take good care of your central heating then we don’t know what will!

When you have a new designer radiator installed onto your heating, your plumber will balance the system to ensure the correct pressure reaches each radiator, and cleanse the water to ensure it is in the best condition for your central heating. Make sure your boiler gets a service once a year, and do ask your heating engineer about whether they think your system needs a power flush to completely cleanse the system of any contaminants which shouldn’t be present.

Keeping a healthy heating system is very important for the well being of your designer radiators, but if you’re just thinking about purchasing a new one take a look at our complete range here!

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Your perfect radiator is here! We are dedicated to keeping our prices competitive! Call our dedicated customer service team and we will be happy to help. 01257 452879

Unit G Grove Mill, Grove Park Industrial Estate, Eccleston. PR7 5TZ

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